Error when downloading library file, downloading data, or rolling up data - HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

Getting error message - HRESULT: 0x800A03EC OR user is unable to open the library template on download (i.e. “There were a total of 0 data inputs downloaded”)


This can be caused because of one or two known issues -

  1. The security inside of excel is not enabled for trusting access to the VBA project object. This disables some of the features used in The CRESuite

  2. This error message also came up from a user on Microsoft Excel 2007. In this case, the error message was coming up because the version of excel that our models are currently built in do not work in Excel 2007. The main reason is the number of rows and columns in Excel 2007 is less than that of later versions.

  3. This error message can come up with any version of Excel or Windows depending on the security settings selected by the admin.

When this error message occurs, try follow the below steps -

  1. Go to File > Options.

  2. Navigate to the Trust Center on the left hand side of the dialog

  3. Select Trust Center Settings

  4. Select Macro Settings on the left hand side of the dialog

  5. Activate the checkbox called “Trust access to the VBA project object model”

  6. Log out, log back in and try again.